Numbers 13:30


Deacon Ministry

The Antioch Baptist Church has come a long way with God's help from its beginning. The church has voted on many deacons to help with God's church. Some have finished their work and some are still on the battlefield; but we are all witnesses that God has brought us a mighty long way. Deacon Fred Webster served as Chairman of the Deacon Board for 37 years and remains on the Board today. Presently Deacon Marc Starks is Chairman of the Board.  ...Comments



Zones Purpose:

To track, care for, and shepherd members. In doing so this relieves much of the stress and workload off of the pastor. Deacons are administrators and are to function in this capacity to wait on tables. This procedure and ministry will also help the church track and enroll members.

Zones Procedure:

Each deacon will be assigned members. Each new and old member assigned a care provider. Your care provider will be responsible for a group of names. The deacon is to keep track of the stewardship and statue of each member in his care group. He is to visit them in the hospital and is to make referrals to the pastor on a monthly basis of the status of each member in his care group.

When a deacon is visiting a sick member and the member requests the pastor's presence, then the care provider is responsible for relaying such information to the pastor. The care provider will notice when a member from his care group is not in attendance at church worship. The care provider will then make contact via telephone and or personal appearance to inquire of the status of this member in his care group.

When problems occur the care provider will relay this information to the pastor, such that the pastor can assist him in clarifying and to aide in alleviating such matters. The care providers take pride in their care provider duties.

The care provider will be careful not to visit female members without the presence of his wife and or another deacon, by doing so this will eliminate a lot of unnecessary problems and rumors. Each deacon is encouraged to visit other members in all care groups. Should a care provider acquires an illness, it is his responsibility to relay such information to his care provider and the pastor, such that his care provider duties can be carried out by another deacon and or minister. Should he be overwhelmed, then the pastor and or associate minister can step in to relieve such undue stress. Please note what care group you are in and the name of your care provider. Should you have any questions or problems which need to be cared for, please feel free to call Antioch at 233-0101 or 234-5030 or you can inquire by e-mail.

Zone Group Assignments:

Zone #1 Deacon Dennis Moore Co-Captain -
Zone #2 Deacon Lloyd Tims Co-Captain -
Zone #3 Deacon Ira Frizell Co-Captain -
Zone #4   Co-Captains -
Zone #5 Deacon Lloyd Tims Jr. Co-Captain -
Zone #6 Deacon Marc Starks Co-Captain - 
Zone #7 Deacon Kinnie Brown Co-Captain - 
Zone #8 Deacon Nat Hillard Co-Captain -
Zone #9 Deacon Lee Dennis Reed Co-Captain - 
Zone #10 Deacon Jerry Moses Co-Captain -

"And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples, he departed then to teach and to preach in their cities".  Matthew 11:1-1

