Austin/Hutchins Small Loan Fund 

"Pulling Down Strong Holds and Building Up Relationships" (2 Co. 10:3-8)

PURPOSE: To assist individuals who experience unexpected financial difficulty in pursuing educational opportunities:

I. Qualifications

  • Applicant must be a Waterloo resident with preference to Antioch Baptist Church members.
  • Applicant must have the ability to repay the loan by the due date indicated on the application.
  • An applicant on "Restricted Enrollment" due to non-payment of a college bill is not eligible for a loan.

II. Loan Guidelines

  • Only one (1) loan is allowed per semester.
  • The maximum loan amount is $250.00.
  • The loan is to be used for the purposed stated on the application only.
  • Loans are not for payment of existing college bills.
  • Loans will be processed only after being reviewed by Christian Education Small Loan Committee.

III. Repayment Responsibilities

  • The Antioch Baptist Church will bill applicants.
  • Applicants will be expected to pay the loan in full by the date indicated on the application.
  • This is an interest-free loan, however, there is a $10.00 administrative service fee charged for an approved application.

IV. Application Procedure

  • Complete and submit loan application to the Antioch Baptist Church office located at 426 Sumner Street, Waterloo, Iowa.
  • The applicant will be notified in writing of the loan status.