John Overman platted the town of Cedar Falls in 1853, he
deeded this block to the community as the site for a future
courthouse. Cedar Falls was the county seat of Black Hawk
County at the time, but an 1855 election gave this distinction
to Waterloo. As a result, "Court Square Park,"
as it was originally known, was never used for its intended
Overman Park
was the first public park in Cedar Falls, and the only one
for a number of years. It served as the center for civic
celebrations, a function it still serves during the annual
Sturgis Falls Festival and other events. A new band shell
was completed in the Summer of 1996, and features band concerts
during the summer.
"The park
offers to the wearied in body and burdened in mind a quiet
place for relaxation, recreation and rest," according
to the 1893 Historical Record of Cedar Falls. The cool refreshing
shades of the place are Mecca’s much sought by all
classes of people." This description of Overman Park
is still appropriate today.