Memorial Park honors five brothers whose story was among
the most tragic of World War II.
The Sullivan
brothers, George, Francis, Eugene, Madison and Albert, were
the sons of Thomas and Aleta Sullivan of Waterloo. The brothers
ranged in age from 20 to 29 when they enlisted in the U.S.
Navy after learning of the death of a good friend at Pearl
Harbor. At their request, the five were assigned to the
same ship, the cruiser Juneau. This was against Navy policy,
but the Sullivan’s' request was granted.
The Japanese
sank the Juneau in November 1942 during the battle for the
Solomon Islands. Four of the brothers went down with their
ship: The fifth, George, was badly wounded. He made it to
a life raft but died before the Juneau's survivors were
This was the
greatest sacrifice by any one American family during World
War II. The Navy later named a destroyer for the Sullivan’s,
and a movie was made about them and the Five Sullivan Brother's
Convention Center has been dedicated to them. Sullivan Memorial
Park is located in the neighborhood where the brothers grew