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CedarNet Settings: Mac OS 8/9

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Step 1- Open the TCP/IP control panel and make the selections listed below:

  • Connect via: PPP or MacPPP
  • Configure: Using PPP Server
  • IP Address:
    <will be supplied by server>
  • Subnet Mask:
    <will be supplied by server>
  • Router Address:
    <will be supplied by server>
  • Name server addr: leave blank
  • Search domain:

Step 2A - If you are using the control strip: Click on "Remote Access" and choose "Open Remote Access."

skip to Step 3

Step 2A - If you are not using the control strip: Click on the Apple in the top left corner of your screen, then double click on "Control Panels."

Step 2B - Find "Remote Access" on this screen (you may have to scroll down to get to it) and double click on it. Then follow the directions in Step 3.

Step 3 - Verify that your user ID is in the Name field, and the phone number is correct (232-4135). You can retype your password in case it is incorrect.

Step 4 - You can either click on "Connect" or click to close the window. It will ask you if you want to save your changes. Tell it "Yes."

Step 5- Click on the Remote Access menu while the Remote Access control panel is open. This menu lists several other control panels. The other control panel of interest for configuring your CedarNet connection is TCP/IP.

CedarNet is looking for your organization's webpage to be hosted or linked with us.

Last updated 25-Jul-2003

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