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CedarNet Settings: Windows 2000

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Open up your Control Panel, then open up Dial up Networking, find the CedarNet icon, and right click on it. Select "Properties" from the small pop-up list, and this will open a window that leads to nearly all of your PPP settings.

There are several Tabs across the top, including: General, Options, Security and Networking.

General: It will open to the General tab.
Here you can verify that you are using the correct phone number 232-4135. If you do not have any special dialing rules (like turning off call waiting or dialing 9 to get an outside line), you can UNcheck "Use dialing properties" since the area code is unnecessary.

Your computer should detect your modem and its name will appear near the top of the window. Click on the "Configure" button.
In here, you can try setting your modem speed lower. Sometimes the computer is oversensitive to things like line quality and line traffic, and setting your modem speed down to 57600 or 38400 (or even lower) may improve your data connection.

On this tab, check to see that the "Windows Logon Domain" is UNchecked.

Make sure this one has a setting checked for "Allow unsecure password"

Click on the "Settings" button, and verify that all three options (Enable LCP extensions, Enable software compression, and Negotiate mutilink ...) are Unchecked.

In the big white window, you will find a list of things your computer needs to negotiate its connection with our servers. Each of the items below should be checked.Your configuration list should include:

Client for Microsoft Networks
- When you highlight TCP/IP, click on Properties and verify that everything is server assigned.
QoS Packet Scheduler

If you are missing any of these, you will need to click on the "Add" button. Try to have your Windows 2000 disk handy in case it asks for it.

For QoS Packet Scheduler, select "Service" and then click "Add", next you need to highlight "QoS Packet Scheduler" and click OK.
For TCP/IP, select "Protocol" and then click "Add"
For Client for Microsoft Networks, select "Client" and then click "Add", next you will need to scroll down to find "Microsoft" and click "Add", finally select "Client for Microsoft Networks" and click OK.

CedarNet is looking for your organization's webpage to be hosted or linked with us.

Last updated 25-Jul-2003

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