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Setting up Dreamweaver for CedarNet

Dreamweaver has a very good online help you can access at anytime by clicking the "HELP" button at the top right in either the SITE window or the editing window. It has an internal search engine and explanations that are fairly easily understood. There are more ways than one to do most everything in this software, so I suggest you utilize the help to find your way around the editing tools. I will attempt to help you fill in information that is pertinent to CedarNet. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) set up:

When you open up Dreamweaver, it will automatically bring up a blank page for creating new HTML documents.

~ Open up the Site Definition window by selecting "Site" from the menu at the top, and then "New Site"

    Highlight "Local Info" on the left and fill in the fields as follows:
  • Site Name = Cedar Net (or you can choose anything you like here)
  • Local Root Folder = where you want the info stored on your computer I use the default which places it within the Dreamweaver files on my hard drive
  • HTTP Address =
  • I would suggest checking the cache option as it will speed up link updates, but it does take up extra space on your hard drive.
    Highlight "WEB SERVER INFO" on the left and fill in the fields as follows:
  • Select FTP from the pull-down menu
  • FTP HOST =
  • HOST DIRECTORY = the name of the folder where your page is stored on our server (for CedarNet webmasters, leave this blank)
  • LOGIN = your User ID
  • PASSWORD = your FTP password
  • Check the box for saving your password unless you prefer to supply it each time you work on these pages.

"Check in/Check out" allows you to work on a file without anyone else changing it at the same time and displays your name as having the file checked out to other webmasters using Dreamweaver. This is optional.

The "Site Map" option changes the way the remote server info is displayed in your SITE window. I have left this all blank, as I prefer simple file lists.

Click "OK".
When the pop-up asks if you wish to create a cache, do not do so at this time unless you wish to store copies of all of the CedarNet files on your computer (takes up waaay too much space). You are now set up to FTP files from your computer to CedarNet's server where they will be displayed online.

Selecting file to edit:

When you wish to edit an existing file from CedarNet, bring up the SITE window. [below] Once you have your FTP all set up, you will be able to connect directly to CedarNet files and upload files onto your machine for updates, and then upload the changed file to replace the original on our server.
  1. Click the "CONNECT" button. This will connect you via Internet to the CedarNet server (remote host), and create a list on the left of all the folders and files therein.
  2. Highlight the folder or file name that you wish to edit
  3. Click the "CHECK OUT" button. This will make a copy of that file in your root folder (defined earlier), and add it to the list on the right. It should also ask if you wish to include all dependant files.
    • YES will make it seek out any graphic (or other) files that are needed to display the HTML file in question, so choose this if you need to see all of the graphics and such to edit the page.
    • NO will leave those behind, but be much faster, so choose this if the edit you are doing only involves text, or if you have previously cached these files.
  4. Highlight the folder you want on the LOCAL (right) list, then right click and select "OPEN" Make whatever changes you need.
  5. Select "PREVIEW IN BROWSER" from the FILE menu and check to make sure your work will be displayed the way you want in both Netscape and in MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer)
  6. SAVE your changes
  7. Bring up the SITE window
  8. Highlight the file you have just edited on the LOCAL (right) list
  9. Click the "PUT" button. This will FTP your file to CedarNet and rewrite the file on the CedarNet server to match the one you just saved.
  10. Click the "CHECK IN" button. This unlocks the file on the CedarNet server so that other webmasters can now access it as needed.

Created by Julie LeRoy on ... January 30, 2001

Note: In your efforts, be sure to use your account in place of the examples sited in this document.

Successful mastering of the process described in this document may qualify you as a CedarNet Webmaster and a candidate for CedarNet HTML Committee should you choose to volunteer your time and talents as a CedarNet Webmaster.

CedarNet is looking for your organization's webpage to be hosted or linked with us.

Last updated 06-Jun-2003

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