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Up loading files using CuteFTP

Open your Cute FTP upload program
Click on FTP and select Site Manager
Select "Add Site" fill in the needed data in each entry following this sample. Your User ID and Password will be issued by the CedarNet office, as will the Remote Directory. Local Directory, wher eyou store the files on your computer, and Site Label, how you will refer to the site on your computer, are your chosing.


click "OK" when done and click on "connect" and you should go to your remote directory and upload your files.

Downlaod FTP file upload programs from
Note: In your efforts, be sure to use your account in place of the examples sited in this document.

Successful mastering of the process described in this document may qualify you as a CedarNet Webmaster and a candidate for CedarNet HTML Committee should you choose to volunteer your time and talents as a CedarNet Webmaster.

CedarNet is looking for your organization's webpage to be hosted or linked with us.

Last updated 06-Jun-2003

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